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Our Mission

Our mission is to achieve social justice and equity in partnership with farmworkers, low-wage workers, and mixed-status families in rural communities through community, legislative and legal advocacy; community capacity building, and leadership development.


Our vision is for all farmworkers and their families to be treated with dignity and respect.

Who We Are

California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation (CRLAF) is a statewide non-profit civil legal aid organization providing free legal services and policy advocacy for California’s rural poor, and some of the most marginalized communities--the unrepresented, the unorganized and the undocumented.  
CRLAF seeks to bring about social justice by working to address the most pressing needs of our community in labor, housing, education equity, healthcare access, worker safety, citizenship, immigration, and environmental justice, through education and outreach, impact litigation, legislative and administrative advocacy, and public policy leadership at the state and local level.


From the Executive Director

In 1981 a group of justice visionaries came together to form California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation. This small and pow­erful organization was created in response to the rigid restrictions placed on federally funded legal services programs that limit ac­cess to justice for hardworking fam­ilies.


Because of YOUR support — CRLAF is on the front lines and in the State Capitol fighting for justice and employing the most effective mechanisms to achieve social change for the rural poor.


Our objective is to reach as many people as possible throughout the Central Valley and rural California to ensure mixed-status families know their rights and responsibilities under the law, by:

  • engaging in legislative policy advocacy and reform;

  • informing community members, educational and medical institutions, community-based organizations, and legislative and other stakeholders of up-to-date laws and policies impacting rural residents and migrant workers, and elevating their most pressing issues;

  • providing legal clinics to screen for immigration relief and assist with naturalization applications; and

  • representing individuals and families in civil rights matters.


With your partnership, CRLAF continues to be a source of information, hope and empowerment, helping California’s rural poor improve their economic, so­cial, and political conditions and become more civically engaged in their communities.​


CRLAF is steadfast in its commitment to provide quality legal services to farmworkers, their children, and low-wage workers throughout rural California, and is honored to be your partner in the fight for dignity and justice for all.


In solidarity,

Amagda Pérez

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