California, We Must Prioritize Farm Workers in State's Vaccination Plan
On behalf of the COVID-19 Farmworker and Rural Immigrant Community Advocacy Coalition, we are pleased to release our first policy brief...
CA Establishes Fund to Help Essential Workers Left out of CARES Bill
CARES brought a bit of relief to millions of workers, but left out millions more. California became the first state to establish a fund...
Let There Be More Light at Night
Farmworkers often work at night harvesting crops. After years of frontline advocacy, CalOSHA has adopted new safety regulations specifying
End Hunger and Food Insecurity
Today, President Donald J. Trump signed House Resolution 2, the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 also known as the Farm Bill. The...
Put Fresno County first. We cannot let Congress strip away our health care.
We can’t afford to go backward, stripping away care from families. It’s bad for our health and it’s also bad for business. Dissolving Medi-C
We Connect Feria De Recursos Sobre La Salud Y Los Derechos De Inmigrantes En Sacramento
¡Le invitamos a conocer más sobre la asistencia médica para usted y su familia en la We Connect feria de recursos sobre la salud y los...
Op-Ed: Congressman Denham, Your Constituents Need You
Like hundreds of thousands of Valley residents, Mireya Cazares’s life has been changed by federal health care reform. Born with retinitis...